Dividends on Your Investment

Your investment in Elder Orphan Care is reaping amazing dividends, as seen in these photographs from my recent trip to Romania:

Ludivich was overwhelmed with his new walker 
(read the amazing story here

Ioan, who has throat cancer and is unable to speak, standing in front of his certificate of baptism 

Formerly homeless, Sandor’s legs were amputated due to frostbite, but this convicted felon is now a believer in Jesus Christ! 

The $10,000 in 2 Weeks “Glory Wing” is home for ten elderly who would otherwise be living on the snowy streets this winter. 

Koco, a big-hearted teenager, led Iuliu back to his room 
when he followed our team out the door. 

Maria delighted to see herself in an iPad photo 

Rodica, who is gravely ill, asked me to pray that Jesus would 
take her home. And then she pointed heavenward. 

Margareta reminds me so much of a 
dear friend, Faye, here in N.C. 

When I asked if I could pray for him, another gentleman named Ludivich immediately put his hands together. 

Elizabeth loves her doll, a precious possession. 

When Sheila from our U.S. team finished praying for Maria, 
she began praying for Sheila.

Our home base in Romania is Oradea. 100 elderly and frail are cared for in Tinca and Dumbrava, (near Holod on this map), 
thanks to the active faith of Viorel Pasca. 

When Pastor Viorel said he would put a plaque on the building to honor the people who funded it through the 
$10,000 in 2 Weeks project, I said, 
“No. Give the glory to God.” 
And he did.

My heart is overflowing with gratitude. 
May God reward you abundantly for your investment in eternity!

1 comment:

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