During our October 2014 trip, Viorel Pasca,
our ministry partner in Romania, shared a vision with our team about a pressing need. He imagined a place where volunteers could come and stay in the rural village of Dumbrava.
Having accommodations available would allow people
to stay more than a day to help serve over 200 elderly and frail in his care.
As Viorel talked, one of our team members, Janna Syester, felt impressed that God wanted us to raise $20,000 for the Volunteer House to become a reality. As we prayed together, our team agreed that this was God’s desire.
So at the beginning of 2015 we prayerfully launched a project called “$20,000 by March 20th.”
Praise God, and thanks to the generosity of many people whose hearts were touched by this need, $20,178.91 was raised….
by March 18th!
We are so grateful for everyone who invested in eternity by giving, and for Viorel, who immediately started building!
To make the best use of the funds, Viorel wisely built a
second story onto an already existing house that is home to 12 elderly. After demolishing several unusable buildings on the same property, he was able to build a second structure with a kitchen, dining space, and bathrooms.
In July, less than nine months after sharing his vision with us, Viorel sent photos of the completed project! May God bless all who made this possible! Please join us in asking God to use these buildings for His glory and purposes.
This looks so nice. I pray many, many volunteers will stay in it and bless the ministry.