I have always loved teams so it's no surprise that I am enjoying watching God's Spirit create a group of people--of varying ages, backgrounds, geographic locations--growing in faith, enthusiasm and support of our service to the homeless and formerly homeless elderly of Romania. What a "YAY, GOD!"
Our team has much to do in the coming months: Thank you for praying about the special part that God may be calling you to do! Here are some opportunities:
1. On October 1st we are shipping a container of needed medical supplies and equipment, clothing, shoes, linens, bed trays, etc. to Romania. I have a more detailed list I can email you if you are feeling led to help with this project. I will be driving a U-Haul full of your donations to Baltimore the end of September, so please contact me ASAP about your involvement in providing needed items for the elderly in Romania. If you are local to Concord, NC, I will be happy to pick up your donations. If you live elsewhere, please pray about making a financial donation and I'll do the shopping for you!
2. As a part of this container we want to send 70 Christmas Shoe Boxes for the elderly. It would be marvelous if someone would step forward to lead this project. We don't have a lot of time, but I believe it can be done! We have ideas for the Christmas Shoebox gifts and are open to your ideas, too! Please contact me if you'd like to help.
3. Next trip to Romania is October 7th. What a thrill to go back so soon to continue our service to the elderly and also to do women's ministry in several Gypsy Villages. I am delighted that Janna Syester, dear friend, Occupational Therapist, and EOC supporter, will be a part of this trip as well! Please pray for us as we prepare for the trip and raise funds to pay our expenses. Please continue to pray that my salary/support is completely funded soon. I am so grateful for the generous, sacrificial giving of so many of you and I am believing that my support will be complete by October 1st so I can invest all my energies into my service with Elder Orphan Care!
4. There are many projects onsite in Romania that also require funding. In the weeks to come I will be posting photos and project costs for some of these projects which include a furnace, indoor plumbing, flooring, electrical needs, industrial washer, and a morgue. I am believing that individuals, churches and clubs will take on the funding of these projects and we will see even more amazing things happen in Dumbrava, Romania!
5. I would love to have the opportunity to share about Elder Orphan Care at your church or club. I can personalize my presentation to your specifics. I look forward to hearing from you!
Here are a few photos for you to "pray over." God bless you BIG time!
I prayed via "touch"....and I think God's love was communicated....
We are hoping to get indoor plumbing for this newer home for the elderly on the left.
The current "morgue"....
Some rooms need mold removal, updated painting, etc.
Thank you for helping spread the joy of the Lord to the precious elder orphans of Romania!
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