$10,000 in 2.2 Weeks! Yay God and Yay You!

"Declare God's glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples." (Psalm 96:3)

I am back home from Romania and continue to be "beyond overwhelmed" at what God and His children have done, and are doing!

Our $10,000 in 2 Weeks Challenge was met in 2 weeks and 2 days! I am actually glad that we "hit the goal" when I was onsite in Romania. Andy Baker and I were able to share this amazing news in person with Pastor Viorel and Florica. I presented them with photo collages of the cheerful givers who had donated (up to the point when I left the U.S.) toward the $10,000. I shared a few of your stories and they were quite touched to see that it was "real people" who had given to help provide a home for elderly people living on the streets.

When we returned to Tinca two days later, Pastor Viorel and his crew had already poured footers and had supplies delivered!

As I was flying back to the U.S., Pastor Viorel, his son, Emmanuel (who will be going to Bible College this fall) and others were pouring the floor and starting on the walls!

Can you believe this photo?!?! Pastor Viorel has been faithful to provide photographs so we can see the progress....and amazing progress it is! Remember, he just received the money 8 days ago!

The $1000 seed money that *you* grew to $10,000 is building a 3 room addition to an existing structure. These rooms will house 10 elderly in need of shelter....and God's love.  Well done, my friends....God is smiling....

In the weeks to come I will be sharing more stories, more photographs, more reasons to praise our Ephesians 3:20 God. But for now I will share just one photo of dear Vasile, who I first met last summer, visited again in October, and had the joy of seeing again on this trip. Since 22 of the elderly have died since my last visit, "reunions" are a special thrill (as you can see :)

I am So Very Grateful to all who gave, who prayed, who encouraged, who believe! You are each a special part of this magnificent Story that God is writing.

To God be the glory!

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